Thursday, May 1, 2008

Out in the Real World

Out to the Real World

When I came to the University of Oklahoma in 2003, I started out as a business major, thinking that was the right major. My dad owned a business and he wanted me to get into when the time was right. Things changed first with me when I decided that public relations interested me more. Then my dad got of the business so timing was right for me.

I am glad that I changed my major to public relations. It has helped me build the fundamentals that I can use in any aspect of life. I have made friends through this major, had dedicated professors and experience through internships.

As I get ready to walk into the real world, I know what my “dream job” would be, but it is hard getting it right out of college. I would like to go into Entertainment PR specifically music industrial. I say it is hard but I think the hardest part would be moving so far away either to California or New York. There are many options out there I do not have enough experience. I feel that when I find the right job for me I will be prepared to take on the responsible because Gaylord College has given me the tools and knowledge of what it takes to work in public relations.

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