Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Bogging in PR

Blogging in Public Relations

Blogging in Public Relations has become an epidemic.  PR Practitioners can utilize the blogging world for their own benefit and for others.  I had not actually known that it was such a big deal in the PR world until my PR Writing and Publications class.  The fact that blogging has become such a big deal in our society surprised me very much.  I think blogs should be used more than they are to this exact day.  They really do help people bring understanding to common concepts and practices.  It is an easier way to talk to others who you do not know personally to find out helpful hints on what you may be currently working on.  It is also a great way to get your opinions on certain matters and how things should possibly be handled.  If you have a creative way to help smooth out planning calendar or a better way to produce a press release, than what better way to share your information but through a PR blog.  Although it is great to get your own thoughts out to the world I think blogs are best for those who are new to the practice or are needing new ideas for their profession.  I know when I will be working for my first client, I will be relying on the books and notes I took from my PR classes.  But, if I can go to a blog to find my answer to the question I have, that would be great. 

More websites to look to learn more about blogs in PR and what to do if you decide to join on or use it as a resource:

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