Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Life After the PR Degree

When I first came to OU the only thing that interested me was writing. As I began to scope out majors, I landed on Journalism. I began my college career as a journalism major with hopes of one day becoming a news anchor. I realized very quickly that journalism was not for me. Although I enjoyed certain aspects of it, I did not like the writing portion. Ever since I was a little girl I have been writing. Mostly fiction when I was younger and these days more “real life” writing. I became discouraged with the journalistic way of writing. I do understand its importance and do love my major; however, my true passion is creative writing. After studying abroad with the Gaylord College of Journalism in London and Paris I switched to PR. I remember the day I changed my major. We had just left Bloomberg in Paris. Bloomberg's PR consultant showed us around and had planned our visit for that day. Now that is a dream job!

After going through a life changing experience last summer, I realized I should pursue my biggest passion in life, writing. After taking one semester off I plan to go to graduate school at OU for professional writing. I hope to one day publish a book and do free lance work for a magazine. My ultimate goal is to one day do PR for Marie Claire. This is my favorite magazine for many reasons and would like to do some free lance stuff for this magazine as well.

Good luck to everyone graduating in a couple days! I hope you pursue your dreams and find a job that makes you happy! Congratulations class of ’08!

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