Wednesday, May 7, 2008

ILSY and its background

ILSY and Its Background

ILSY, Independent Living Services for Youth, now Bridges was my client this spring.  I enjoyed working with them so much, I'm sad that it's already over. 

Bridges is a United Way non-profit organization here in Norman, Oklahoma.  Ann Robinson, Kay Absher and Linda Price started helping our Norman teens in  April 1996.   These woman saw how important it was to create an environment and a support system for teens who were currently homeless to get through their high school years with a diploma in hand and hopefully continue on to higher education.  There are not only sponsored by United Way but they are heavily sponsored by the local Norman Rotary clubs.  The United Way and Rotary Clubs as well as local churches and other donors help Bridges feed, cloth, and bring health care to the teen that are in these unfortunate circumstances.  All of these necessities are paramount for the health and welfare of the teen.  Bridges has overcome many obstacles through the years.  They have overall achieved many success.  After finishing our Media Audit we found that The Norman Transcript had done a lot of articles on things the organization had accomplished and done for the community. 

The organization has done a tremendous job in what they are doing for the youth of Norman.  I hope they continue to do well and continue growing in the community. 

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